Recent papers

  • Perruchet, P. & Vinter, A. (2024). The pitfall of neurobiological reductionism. Année Psychologique/ Topics in Cognitive Psychology, 2, 233-239.(pdf)  


  • Perruchet, P. (2021). Why is the componential construct of implicit language aptitude so difficult to capture? Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 43, 677-691. (pdf)


  • Grégoire, L.,  Poulin-Charronnat, B., & Perruchet, P. (2019). Stroop interference depends also on the level of automaticity of the to-be-interfered process. Acta Psychologica, 197, 143-152.(pdf)
  • Perruchet, P. (2019). What mechanisms underlie implicit statistical learning? Transitional probabilities versus chunks in language learning. Topics in Cognitive Sciences, 11, 520-535. (DOI) - 10.1111/tops.12403. (pdf)




  • Pacton, S., & Perruchet, P. (2018). Apprendre sans intention d'apprendre. In B. Lèté, C. Thévenot, & L. Ferrand (Eds.), Psychologie cognitive des apprentissages scolaires, Dunod, p. 301- 316. (pdf)
  • Perruchet, P. (2018). Formalisation et réalisation: L'hypothèse de Maurice Reuchlin sur la pensée naturelle mérite un regain d'attention. L'Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle, 47, 147-172. (pdf) (to download the original Reuchlin's paper, click here
  • Poulin-Charronnat, B., & Perruchet, P. (2018). Les interactions entre les traitements de la musique et du langage. La Lettre des Neurosciences.(pdf)




  • Poulin-Charronnat, B., Perruchet, P., Tillmann, B., & Peereman, R. (2017). Familiar units prevail over statistical cues in word segmentation. Psychological Research, 5, 990-1003. (pdf)




  • Perruchet, P. (2016). Apprentissage implicite. Encyclopaedia Universalis (pdf)
  • Perruchet, P. (2016). Automatismes (Acquisition des). In Dictionnaire de l'éducation. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2d edition (pdf)
  • Perruchet, P., Grégoire, L., Aerts, K., & Poulin-Charronnat, B. (2016). Dissociating conscious expectancies from automatic-link formation in an electrodermal conditioning paradigm. Psychological Research, 80, 581-589. (pdf)




  • Grégoire, L., Perruchet, P., & Poulin-Charronnat, B. (2015). How does Stroop interference change with practice? A reappraisal from the Musical Stroop Paradigm. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 41(2), 417-425. (pdf)
  • Pacton, S., Sobaco, A., & Perruchet, P. (2015). Is an attention-based associative account of adjacent and nonadjacent dependency learning valid? Acta Psychologica, 157, 195-199. (pdf)
  • Perruchet, P., & Poulin-Charronnat, B. (2015). The learnability of language: Insights from the implicit learning literature. In Rebuschat, P. (Ed.), Implicit and explicit learning of languages (pp. 139-165). John Benjamins Publishing Company. (pdf)
  • Perruchet, P. (2015). Dissociating conscious expectancies from automatic link formation in associative learning: A review on the so-called Perruchet effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition, 41, 105-127. (pdf)




  • Grégoire, L., Perruchet, P., & Poulin-Charronnat, B. (2014). Is the musical Stroop effect able to keep its promises ? Experimental Psychology, 61(1),80-83. (pdf)
  • Grégoire, L., Perruchet, P., & Poulin-Charronnat, B. (2014). About the unidirectionality of interference: Insight from the musical Stroop effect. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 67(11), 2071-2089. (pdf)
  • Perruchet, P., Poulin-Charronnat, B.,Tillmann, B., & Peereman, R. (2014). New Evidence for Chunk-Based Models in Word Segmentation. Acta Psychologica, 149, 1-8. (pdf)


  • Grégoire, L., Perruchet, P., & Poulin-Charronnat, B. (2013). The musical Stroop effect : Opening a new avenue to research on automatisms. Experimental Psychology, 60(4), 269-278. (pdf)
  • Perruchet, P., & Poulin-Charronnat, B. (2013). Challenging prior evidence for a shared syntactic processor for language and music. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 20, 310-317. (pdf)



  • Perruchet, P., & Poulin-Charronnat, B. (2012). Beyond transitional probability computations: Extracting word-like units when only statistical information is available. Journal of Memory and Language, 66, 807-818. (pdf)
  • Perruchet, P., & Poulin-Charronnat, B. (2012). Is consciousness a passive recipient of the end-product of sophisticated unconscious computations? Frontiers in Psychology, 3(Art 413), 1-2. (pdf)
  • Perruchet, P., & Poulin-Charronnat, B. (2012). Mémoire et apprentissage. In Denis, M. (Ed.), La psychologie cognitive (pp. 251-277). Paris: Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme. (pdf)
  • Perruchet, P., & Poulin-Charronnat, B. (2012). Word segmentation: Trading the (new, but poor) concept of statistical computation for the (old, but richer) associative approach. In Rebuschat, P., & Williams, J. N. (Eds.), Statistical learning and language acquisition (pp. 119-143). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. (pdf)
  • Perruchet, P., Poulin-Charronnat, B., & Pacton, S. (2012). Learning nonadjacent dependencies. In Seel, N. M. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning (pp. 1941-1944). New-York: Springer-Verlag. (pdf)
  • Rey, A., Perruchet, P., & Fagot, J. (2012). Centre-embedded structures are a by-product of associative learning and working memory constraints: Evidence from baboons (Papio Papio). Cognition, 123(1), 180-184. (pdf)



  • Destrebecqz, A., Perruchet, P., Cleeremans, A., Laureys, S., Maquet, P., & Peigneux, P. (2010). The influence of temporal factors on automatic priming and conscious expectancy in a simple reaction time task. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63(2), 291-309. (pdf)
  • Perruchet, P., & Tillmann, B. (2010). Exploiting multiple sources of information in learning an artificial language: Human data and modeling. Cognitive Science, 34(2), 255-285. (pdf)
  • Pitel, A. L., Perruchet, P., Vabret, F., Desgranges, B., Eustache, F., & Beaunieux, H. (2010). The advantage of errorless learning for the acquisition of new concepts' labels in alcoholics. Psychological Medicine, 40(3), 497-502. (pdf)
  • Vinter, A., Pacton, S., Witt, A., & Perruchet, P. (2010). Implicit learning, development and education. In J-P. Didier & E. Bigand (Eds.), Rethinking Physical and Rehabilitation Medecine (pp. 111-127). Paris: Springer Verlag. (pdf)



  • Desmet, C., Poulin-Charronnat, B., Lalitte, P., & Perruchet, P. (2009). Implicit learning of nonlocal musical rules: A comment on Kuhn and Dienes (2005). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 35(1), 299-305. (pdf)
  • French, R. M., & Perruchet, P. (2009). Generating constrained randomized sequences: Item frequency matters. Behavior Research Methods, 41(4), 1233-1241. (pdf)
  • Rey, A., Goldstein, R. M., & Perruchet, P. (2009). Does unconscious thought improve complex decision making? Psychological Research, 73(3), 372-379. (pdf)


  • Chambaron, S., Ginhac, D., & Perruchet, P. (2008). Variations méthodologiques dans une tâche de Temps de Réaction Sériel : Quel est l'impact sur l'apprentissage ?. L'Année Psychologique, 108(3), 465-486.
  • Chambaron, S., Ginhac, D., & Perruchet, P. (2008). gSRT-Soft: A generic software application and some methodological guidelines to investigate implicit learning through visual-motor sequential tasks. Behavior Research Methods, 40(2), 493-502.
  • Pacton, S., & Perruchet, P. (2008). An attention-based associative account of adjacent and nonadjacent dependency learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 34(1), 80-96. (pdf)
  • Perruchet, P., & Desaulty, S. (2008). A role for backward transitional probabilities in word segmentation? Memory & Cognition, 36(7), 1299-1305. (pdf)
  • Perruchet, P., & Vinter, A. (2008). La conscience auto-organisatrice. L'Année Psychologique, 108(1), 79-105.
  • Perruchet, P. (2008). Automatismes (Acquisition des). In Dictionnaire de l'éducation (pp. 28-30). Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
  • Perruchet, P. (2008). Implicit learning. In Cognitive psychology of memory. Vol.2 of Learning and memory: A comprehensive reference (J. Byrne, Ed.) (pp. 597-621). Oxford: Elsevier. (pdf)



  • Perruchet, P, Vinter, A., & Pacton, S. (2007). La conscience auto-organisatrice: Une alternative au modèle dominant de la psychologie cognitive. Education & Didactique. 1, 7-34.


  • Chambaron, S., Ginhac, D., Ferrel-Chapus, C., & Perruchet, P. (2006). Implicit learning of a repeated segment in continuous tracking: A reappraisal. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 59A, 845-854.
  • Pacton, S, & Perruchet, P. (2006). L’apprentissage implicite : du labo à l’école. In P. Dessus & E. Gentaz (dir.) Apprentissages et enseignement: Sciences cognitives et éducation. Paris: Dunod (Psycho sup). (pdf)
  • Perruchet, P. (2006). Discordes autour de l'acquisition du langage. Les Dossiers de la Recherche, 22, 18-22.(pdf)
  • Perruchet, P., Cleeremans, A., & Destrebecqz, A. (2006). Dissociating the effects of automatic activation and explicit expectancy on reaction times in a simple associative learning task. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 32, 955-965. (pdf)
  • Perruchet, P., & Gallego, J. (2006). Do dogs know related rates rather than optimization? The College Mathematics Journal, 37, 16-18. (pdf)
  • Perruchet, P., & Pacton, S. (2006). Implicit learning and statistical learning: Two approaches, one phenomenon. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 10, 233-238. (pdf)
  • Perruchet, P., Peereman, R., & Tyler, M.D. (2006). Do we need algebraic-like computations? A reply to Bonatti, Peña, Nespor, and Mehler Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 135, 322-326. (pdf)
  • Perruchet, P., Rey, A., Hivert, E., & Pacton, S. (2006). Do distractors interfere with memory for study pairs in associative recognition? Memory and Cognition, 34, 1046-1054. (pdf)



  • Pacton, S., Fayol, M., Perruchet, P. (2005) . Children's implicit learning of Graphotactic and Morphological regularities in French. Child Development, 76, 324-339.
  • Perruchet, P., & Peereman, R. (2005). Apprendre sa langue maternelle : Une question de statistique ?. Pour la Science, 327, 82-87.(pdf)
  • Perruchet, P. (2005). Statistical approaches to language acquisition and the self-organizing consciousness: A reversal of perspective. Psychological Research, 69, 316-329. (pdf)
  • Perruchet, P., & Rey, A. (2005). Does the mastery of center-embedded linguistic structures distinguish humans from nonhuman primates? Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 12, 307-313. (pdf)
  • Rey, A., Pacton, S., & Perruchet, P. (2005). L'erreur dans l'acquisition de l'orthographe. Rééducation Orthophonique, 222, 101-120.



  • Barrouillet, P., Camos, V., Perruchet, P., & Seron, X. (2004). ADAPT: A Developmental, Asemantic, and Procedural model for Transcoding from verbal to Arabic numerals. Psychological Review, 111, 368-394.(pdf)
  • Peereman R., Dubois Dunilac, N., Perruchet, P.,& Content, A. (2004). Distributional properties of language and sub-syllabic processing units. In: P. Bonin, (Ed.), Mental Lexicon. NY: NovaScience Publishers.
  • Perruchet, P. & Pacton, S. (2004). Qu'apportent à la pédagogie les travaux de laboratoire sur l'apprentissage implicite? L'année Psychologique, 104, 121-146.
  • Perruchet, P. & Peereman, R. (2004). The exploitation of distributional information in syllable processing. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 17, 97-119. (pdf)
  • Perruchet, P., Tyler, M.T., Galland, N., & Peereman, R. (2004). Learning non-adjacent dependencies: No need for algebraic-like computations. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 133, 573-583. (pdf)



  • Perruchet, P. (2003). Apprendre, ça ne se commande pas. La Recherche, 366, 47-50. (pdf)
  • Perruchet, P. , Chambaron, S., & Ferrel-Chapus, C. (2003). Learning from implicit learning literature: Comment on Shea, Wulf, Whitacre, and Park (2001). The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 56A, 769-778.
  • Perruchet, P. , Reber, R. (2003). Why untrained control groups provide invalid baselines: A reply to Dienes & Altmann. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 56A, 125-130.
  • Perruchet, P., & Vinter, A. (2003). Linking learning and consciousness: The self-Organizing Consciousness (SOC) model. In A. Cleeremans (Ed.). The unity of consciousness: Binding, integration, and dissociation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.(pdf)
  • Reber, R., & Perruchet, P. (2003). The use of control groups in artificial grammar learning. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 56A, 97-116.



  • Pacton, S., Fayol, M. & Perruchet, P. (2002). Acquérir l’orthographe du Français : apprentissages implicite et explicite. In A. Florin & J. Morais (Eds). La maîtrise du langage. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes (pp. 95-118)
  • Pacton, S., Fayol, M., & Perruchet, P. (2002) The acquisition of untaught orthographic regularities in French. In: L. Verhoeven, C. Erlbro & P. Reitsma (Eds.), Precursors of functional literacy. Dordrecht: Kluwer. (pp.121-137)
  • Perruchet, P. (2002). Apprentissages et mémoire. In S. Vinter & P. Perruchet (Eds.) Mémoires et apprentissages implicites. Presses Universitaires Franc-Comtoises (pp. 5-22)
  • Perruchet, P. & Vinter, A. (2002). The Self-Organizing Consciousness (Target paper). Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 25, 297- 330. (pdf)
  • Perruchet, P. & Vinter, A. (2002). The Self-Organizing Consciousness as an alternative model of the mind (Authors' response). Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 25, 360-388.
  • Perruchet, P. & Vinter, A. (2002). The Self-Organizing Consciousness: A Framework for Implicit Learning. In R. French & A. Cleeremans (Eds.). Implicit Learning and Consciousness: An Empirical, Philosophical and computational Consensus in the Making, Psychology Press (pp. 41-67)
  • Perruchet, P. & Vinter, A., Pacteau, C., Gallego, J. (2002). The formation of structurally relevant units in artificial grammar learning . The Quarterly Journal of experimental Psychology, 55A, 485-503.
  • Shanks, D.A., & Perruchet, P. (2002), Dissociation between priming and recognition in the expression of sequential knowledge. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review. 9, 362-367.
  • Vinter, A., & Perruchet, P. (2002). Implicit motor learning through observational training in adults and children. Memory and Cognition, 30, 256-261.



  • Ergis, A.M., Meulemans, T., Hanin, D., Vinter, A., Perruchet, P., Boisse, M.F., & Bachoud-Levi, A.C. (2001). Apprentissage de procédures dans la maladie de Huntington: Une étude basée sur le "Start-Rotation Principle". Revue de Neuropsychologie, 11, 121-122.
  • Pacton, S., Perruchet, P., Fayol, M., Cleeremans, A. (2001). Implicit learning in real world context: The case of orthographic regularities. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 130, 401-426. (pdf)



  • Bazin, N., Perruchet, P., Hardy-Bayle, M-C., & Féline, A. (2000). Context-dependent information processing in patients with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 45, 93-101.
  • Vinter, A., & Perruchet, P. (2000). Implicit learning in children is not related to age: Evidence from drawing behavior. Child Development, 71, 1223-1240.



  • Chantome, M., Perruchet, P., Hasboun, D., Dormond, D., Sahel, M., Sourour, N., Zouaoui, A., Marsault, C., & Duyme, M. (1999). Is there a negative correlation between explicit memory and hippocampal volume? Neuroimage, 10, 589-595.
  • Pacton, S., Fayol, M., & Perruchet, P. (1999). Learning to spell French: Regular orthographic patterns. Langue Française, 124, 23-39.
  • Vinter, A. & Perruchet, P. (1999) Isolating unconscious influences: The neutral parameter procedure. Quarterly Journal of experimental Psychology, 52A, 857-875.
  • Vinter, A. & Perruchet, P. (1999). What about consciousness during learning? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 22, 176



  • Bigand, E., Perruchet, P., & Boyer, M. (1998). Implicit learning of artificial grammar of musical timbres. Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive/ Current Psychology of Cognition, 17, 577-600.
  • Denot-Ledunois, G. Vardon, Perruchet, P., & Gallego, J. (1998). The effect of attentional load on the breathing pattern in children. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 29, 13-21.
  • Denot-Ledunois, S., Vardon, G., Perruchet, P., & Gallego, J. (1998). Effects of voluntary changes in breathing frequency on respiratory comfort. Biological Psychology, 49, 71-82
  • Meulemans, T, Van Der Linden, M, & Perruchet, P. (1998). Implicit Sequence Learning in Children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 69, 199-221.
  • Nicolas, S., & Perruchet, P. (1998). La mémoire implicite: Une vue d'ensemble. Psychologie Française, 43, 3-12.
  • Nsegbe, E, Vardon, G., Perruchet, P., Dauger, C., Gaultier, C., & Gallego, J.. (1998). Classical conditioning of ventilatory responses to hypoxia in rats. Behavioral Neuroscience, 112, 1393-1401.
  • Perruchet, P. , & Nicolas, S. (1998). L'apprentissage implicite: Un débat théorique. Psychologie Française, 43, 13-25.
  • Perruchet, P., & Vinter, A. (1998). Feature creation as a by-product of attentional processing. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 21, 33-34
  • Perruchet, P., & Vinter, A. (1998). Learning and development: The implicit knowledge assumption reconsidered. In M. A. Stadler & P. Frensch (Eds.), Handbook of Implicit Learning. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage publications (pp. 495-531). (pdf)
  • Perruchet, P., & Vinter, A. (1998). PARSER: A model for word segmentation. Journal of Memory and Language, 39, 246-263. (pdf)



  • Meulemans, T., Van der Linden, M., & Perruchet, P. (1997). Apprentissage implicite et temps de réaction sériel: Une perspective développementale. Revue de Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence, 45, 384-386.
  • Nsegbe, E., Vardon, G., Perruchet, P., & Gallego, J. (1997). Classic conditioning of ventilatory response in rats. Journal of Applied Physiology, 83, 1174-1183, 1997.
  • Perruchet, P. (1997). Le rôle de l'attention dans les apprentissages implicites. In D. Mellier & A. Vom Hofe, Attention et Controle cognitif, Rouen, Presse Universitaire de Rouen (pp. 19-27).
  • Perruchet, P., Bigand, E., & Benoit-Gonin, F. (1997). The emergence of explicit knowledge during the early phase of learning in sequential reaction time tasks. Psychological Research, 60, 4-13
  • Perruchet, P., & Gallego, J. (1997) A subjective unit formation account of implicit learning. in Berry, D. (Ed.), How Implicit is Implicit Learning? Oxford, Oxford University Press (pp. 124-161).
  • Perruchet, P., Pacteau, C., & Gallego, J. (1997). Abstraction of covariations in incidental learning and covariation bias. British Journal of Psychology, 88, 441-458.
  • Perruchet, P., Vinter, A., & Gallego, J. (1997). Implicit learning shapes new conscious percepts and representations. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 4, 43-48
  • Vinter, A., & Perruchet, P. (1997). Relational problems are not fully solved by a temporal sequence of statistical learning episodes. Behavioral and brain Sciences, 20, 82



  • Bazin, N., & Perruchet, P. (1996). Implicit and explicit associative memory in patients with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 22, 241-248
  • Bazin, N., Perruchet, P., & Feline, A. (1996). Mood congruence effect in explicit and implicit memory tasks: A comparison between depressed patients, schizophrenic patients, and controls. European Psychiatry, 11, 390-395.
  • Gallego, J., Denot-Ledunois, S., Vardon, G., & Perruchet, P. (1996).Ventilatory responses to imagined exercise. Psychophysiology, 33, 711-719
  • Pacton, S., Fayol & Perruchet, P. (1996). On the knowledge of double letters in French young spellers. Proceedings of the European Writing Conferences, S.I.G. Writing, E.A.R.L.I., Barcelona, Spain.



  • Perruchet, P., Frazier, N., & Lautrey, J. (1995). Conceptual implicit memory: A developmental study. Psychological Research, 57, 220-228.


  • Bazin, N., Perruchet, P., De Bonis, M., & Féline, A. (1994). The dissociation of explicit and implicit memory in depressed patients. Psychological Medecine, 24, 239-245.
  • Gallego, J., Benammou, S., Miramand, J-L., Vardon, G., El-massioui, N., Pacteau, C., & Perruchet, P. (1994). Ventilatory conditioning by self-stimulation in rats: a pilot study. Biofeedback and Self-Regulation. 19, 171-180.
  • Pacteau, C., Bonthoux, F., Perruchet, P., & Lautrey, J. (1994). Category learning of schematic faces in children: Relationships between attribute knowledge and modes of processing. Current Psychology of Cognition, 13, 797-820.
  • Perruchet, P. (1994). Defining the knowledge units of a synthetic language: Comment on Vokey and Brooks (1992). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 20, 223-228.
  • Perruchet, P. (1994). Learning from complex rule-governed environments: On the proper functions of nonconscious and conscious processes. In C. Umilta and M. Moscovitch (Eds.), Attention and performance XV: Conscious and nonconscious information processing, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press (pp.811-835)
  • Perruchet, P., & Gallego, J. (1994). What about unconscious processing during the test? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 17, 415-416.
  • Vinter, A., & Perruchet, P. (1994). Is there an implicit level of representation? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 17, 730-731.




  • Gallego, J. & Perruchet, P. (1993). The effect of voluntary breathing on reaction time. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 37, 63-70.
  • Perruchet, P., & Gallego, J. (1993). Association between conscious knowledge and performance in normal subjects: A reply to Cohen and Curran and to Willingham, Greeley, and Bardone. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 19, 1438-1444.
  • Perruchet, P., Pacteau, C., & Gallego, J. (1993). Abstraction of covariation in category learning: A critical note on K. Richardson's studies. British Journal of Psychology, 84, 289-295.



  • Perruchet, P. & Amorim, M. A. (1992). Conscious knowledge and changes in performance in sequence learning: Evidence against dissociation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 18, 785-800.
  • Perruchet, P., Gallego, J. & Pacteau, C. (1992). A reinterpretation of some earlier evidence for abstractiveness of implicitly acquired knowledge. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 44A, 193-210.



  • Gallego, J. & Perruchet, P. (1991). Classical conditioning of ventilatory responses in man. Journal of Applied Physiology, 70, 676-682.
  • Gallego, J. & Perruchet, P. (1991). Effects of practice on the voluntary control of a learned breathing pattern. Physiology and Behavior, 49, 315-319.
  • Gallego, J., Perruchet, P., Camus, J.F. (1991). Assessing attentional control of breathing by reaction time. Psychophysiology, 28, 219-227.
  • Perruchet, P. (1991). Conditionnement et apprentissage, in J.P. Rossi (Ed.), La recherche en Psychologie, Paris, Dunod (pp. 1-33).
  • Perruchet, P. & Pacteau, C. (1991). The implicit acquisition of abstract knowledge about artificial grammar: Some methodological and conceptual issues. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 120, 112-116.


1990 and earlier

  • Perruchet, P., Gallego, J. & Savy, I. (1990). A critical reappraisal of the evidence for unconscious abstraction of deterministic rules in complex experimental situations. Cognitive Psychology, 22, 493-516. (pdf)
  • Perruchet, P. & Pacteau, C. (1990). Synthetic grammar learning: Implicit rule abstraction or explicit fragmentary knowledge? Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 119, 264-275. (pdf)
  • Perruchet, P. (1989). The effect of spaced-practice on explicit and implicit memory, British Journal of Psychology, 80, 113-130.
  • Perruchet, P., & Baveux, P. (1989). Correlational analyses of explicit and implicit memory, Memory and Cognition, 17, 77-86.
  • Gallego, J., & Perruchet, P. (1988). Interrelationships between amplitude and period of a continuous hand movement. Perceptual and Motor Skill, 66, 95-104.
  • Perruchet, P. (1988 ). Une évaluation critique du concept d'automaticité, in P. Perruchet (Ed.) Les automatismes cognitifs, Liège, Mardage (pp.27-54).
  • Perruchet, P. (1988). L'apprentissage sans conscience : données empiriques et implications théoriques, in P. Perruchet (Ed.) Les automatismes cognitifs, Liège, Mardaga (pp. 81-102).
  • Perruchet, P. (1987). Pourquoi apprend-on mieux quand les répétitions sont espacées ? Une évaluation des réponses contemporaines, Année Psychologique, 87, 253-272.
  • Perruchet, P. (1985). Expectancy for airpuff and conditioned eyeblinks in humans, Acta Psychologica, 58, 31-44.
  • Perruchet P. (1985). A pittfall for an expectancy theory of eyeblink conditioning, Pavlovian Journal of Biological Science, 20, 163-170. (pdf)
  • Perruchet P. (1985). Les effets différentiels de l'entraînement et leurs implications, Le travail Humain, 48, 129-145.
  • Perruchet, P. (1985). Expérimenter sur Apple II, Informatique et Sciences humaines, 1985, 65, 39-56.
  • Perruchet, P. (1984). Dual nature of anticipatory classically conditioned reactions, in : S. Kornblum et J. Requin (Eds.). Preparatory States and Processes, Hillsdale, N.J. : Erlbaum., pp. 179-198. (pdf)
  • Perruchet, P. (1982). Programmes de description et d'analyses inférentielles de données expérimentales, Informatique et Sciences Humaines, 55, 87-101.
  • Perruchet, P. (1981). La préférence pour la présence d'un signal préparatoire aux événements aversifs inévitables, Le Travail Humain, 44, 211-226.
  • Perruchet, P. (1981). Les conditions d'établissement des liaisons conditionnelles : quelques perspectives récentes, Journal de Psychologie, 2-3, 297-310.
  • Perruchet, P. (1981). Utilisation des corrélations interindividuelles dans l'étude des processus élémentaires du traitement de l'information, Journal de Psychologie, 4, 397-414.
  • Perruchet, P. (1980). Conditionnement classique chez l'homme et facteurs cognitifs, 2 : le conditionnement moteur, Année Psychologique, 80, 193-219.
  • Perruchet, P., Roubertoux, P, Carlier, M., Dumont, E. (1980). Variations et covariations des indices de conditionnement au cours du temps chez un sujet unique, Biologie du comportement, 5, 253-268.
  • Perruchet, P. (1979 ) L'analyse différentielle du conditionnement humain, Paris, Editions du CNRS, 119 P.
  • Perruchet, P. (1979). Conditionnement classique chez l'homme et facteurs cognitifs, 1 : le conditionnement végétatif, Année Psychologique; 79, 527-557.






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